What can you do about
the Climate Emergency?

If you have read the content of this site you will have learnt enough to know that it is a climate emergency. Not enough is being done by the governments of the world.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a United Nations body that assesses the state of the climate. They provide reports that governments can use to develop policies to avoid global heating.

On August 9 2021 they published the Sixth Assessment Report which addresses the most up-to-date physical understanding of the climate system and climate change. The IPCC have warned that the report as a "is a code red for humanity".

If you live in the UK
Please support the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill. If it is made law, the government will have to act fast. It may help us avoid some of the worst effects of climate change and prevent an unfolding catastrophe. A video that explains the bill in two minutes can be watched on YouTube - The Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill explained - In less than 2 minutes.

If you do not live in the UK
You could follow some the advice on this page. Additionally, you could campaign for carbon consumption pricing and for legislation that similar to the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill which is a UK private member's bill that concerned citizens are campaigning to become law.

The Climate & Ecological Emergency Bill

Support the bill now!